Business Use Tax, CT Fresh Start Letter

Business Use Tax

Have you recently received a letter for your business from the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS), CT Fresh Start, regarding Business Use Tax? These letters are a precautionary step that DRS is using to alert you to the fact that your business has been flagged and is at a higher risk of being audited for tax liabilities.

Business Use Tax very simply refers to a tax that business have to pay on items or services that are purchased for use in Connecticut. For example, if you purchase a computer online for your business, and it is not charged sales tax, the business is still responsible for paying a use tax on that item.

Many businesses are being flagged by DRS due to the fact that they are not registered for the Business Use Tax.

Barlow Tax Solutions offers a personalized approach to make sure that your prior year returns are corrected if needed, and that audit risk is reduced.

We can help you gather tax information, even from prior years. At Barlow Tax Solutions, we specialize in this exact matter, and can help you with your CT Fresh Start letter. And if you owe money, we can help you resolve this, too! To learn more about how Barlow Tax Solutions can help you with this and other tax issues, please visit our How It Works page.